Why No Peanuts On Keto?

Why Peanuts are Popular

Peanuts are a favourite snack for many. They have a tasty flavour and a crunchy texture. Plus, they’re packed with protein and fiber, making them quite filling. But, they can be tricky when following a keto diet. This is because of their high carb content.

If you’re looking for a nutty alternative while on Keto, consider almonds, macadamia nuts, or walnuts. These have lower carb content and higher fat compositions than peanuts. But, look out for added sweeteners or coatings as they could increase the carb content.

Why Peanuts are not Keto-Friendly

Peanuts and Keto are not a great match. Peanuts are not Keto-friendly due to their high carb content and omega-6 fatty acids. While peanuts are an excellent source of protein, they are not as low in carbs as other nuts, such as almonds or macadamias. Furthermore, Omega-6 fatty acids can cause inflammation, which can lead to health problems. Consuming more than the recommended daily intake of Omega-6 can lead to heart disease, obesity, and other health issues. So, if you’re on a Keto diet, it’s best to avoid peanuts.

In addition, peanuts contain anti-nutrients like phytic acid, which can reduce the bioavailability of minerals in the body. Furthermore, peanuts are often roasted with vegetable oil, which can contain unhealthy trans fats and increase inflammation in the body.

To avoid missing out on the benefits of nuts, you can substitute peanuts with other Keto-friendly options like macadamia nuts, almonds, pecans, and walnuts. These nuts are high in healthy fats, low in carbs, and can provide a wide range of nutrients to keep you healthy.

Don’t miss out on the healthy benefits of nuts by consuming peanuts while on a Keto diet. Instead, make sure to choose nuts that are low in carbs and high in healthy fats. So, next time you’re looking to snack on some nuts, remember to choose wisely.

Carbs were my first love, but then I discovered the keto diet and now I give them the cold shoulder – just like a prom date in a teen movie.

High Carbohydrate Content

Peanuts are not a suitable choice for a keto diet. They contain too many carbs, making it hard to stay in ketosis. Even though they provide good protein and healthy fats, their carb content stops them being eaten on a keto diet.

Net carbs in peanuts are around 16 grams per 100 grams. Just one ounce (28 grams) is 4 grams of net carbs – possibly too much for your daily limit. Some argue that their low GI and high fiber make them desirable. But fiber should be subtracted from total carbs when considering available carbs.

Also, be careful when buying peanut butter. Many have added sugar or vegetable oil, increasing the carb count. Read the label before choosing a sugar-free or natural peanut butter.

In conclusion, peanuts are not suitable for a keto diet. They contain too many carbs and eating them can knock you out of ketosis. Alternatives like macadamia nuts and pecans are better – they contain the right nutritional values and are keto-friendly.

High Omega-6 Fats Content

Peanuts & the Omega-6 Fats Dilemma

Omega-6 fatty acids are essential for brain function and growth. But if too much is consumed compared to omega-3s, it causes inflammation which can lead to chronic disorders.

Peanuts have an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 2000:1, which makes them less ideal for a keto diet.

Some High Omega-6 Content Points:

  • Less weight loss effectiveness during a keto diet.
  • Inflammatory response gets worse during stress.

Other Facts:

It’s important to note that not all nuts have the same levels of omega-6 fats. Macadamias, for example, have a lower ratio, making them better for Keto diets than peanuts. Peanuts aren’t as healthy due to their high omega-6 content.

High Inflammatory Response

Peanuts are legumes and can trigger inflammation. The main causes are aflatoxins, lectins and phytic acid.

Aflatoxins come from some peanuts and can be toxic if too much is eaten. Lectins from legumes, like peanuts, can cause leaky gut. Phytic acid in nuts and legumes hinders mineral absorption.

Therefore, eating peanuts could increase inflammation throughout the body. This could worsen autoimmune diseases, like MS or RA.

Individuals allergic to peanuts must stay away due to potential severe reactions. If on a keto diet, macadamia or pecans are better choices than peanuts.

Keto-Friendly Nut Options

Nutritional and Health Benefits of Nuts on Keto

Nuts are a great source of nutrition and healthy fats for those on a ketogenic diet. They are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals which help maintain good health. Incorporating nuts into your diet can be an excellent way of staying on track with your keto regimen while also enjoying a variety of flavors and textures.

Keto-Friendly Nut Options

Here are 5 keto-friendly nuts that you can include in your diet without breaking your macros:

  • Almonds – low in carbs and high in healthy fats, they are an excellent source of vitamin E and magnesium.
  • Brazil nuts – high in healthy monounsaturated fats and selenium, which boosts the immune system.
  • Macadamia nuts – richest in monounsaturated fats, they are also low in carbs and high in healthy fiber.
  • Pecans – high in fiber and antioxidants, they also have a low glycemic index, making them an ideal snack for those on keto.
  • Walnuts – high in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, they are also low in carbs and help reduce inflammation in the body.

The Importance of Portion Control

While nuts are a great addition to your keto diet, it is important to keep an eye on portion sizes as they can be quite calorie-dense. Snacking on nuts throughout the day can add up quickly, so it is best to measure out your portions in advance to avoid overeating. Additionally, some nuts may contain added sugars or other flavorings, so be sure to read labels carefully to ensure they fit within your keto macros.

Some Tips For Incorporating Nuts Into Your Keto Diet

Here are a few suggestions for ways to incorporate nuts into your keto diet:

  • Sprinkle chopped nuts over salads or roasted vegetables for added crunch and flavor.
  • Mix nuts with unsweetened coconut flakes and dark chocolate chips for a keto-friendly trail mix.
  • Use almond flour or ground nuts as a gluten-free substitute for bread crumbs in recipes.
  • Grind nuts in a food processor to make your own nut butter for a keto-friendly spread on celery or cucumber slices.
  • Combine nuts with cream cheese and low-carb sweetener for a delicious and satisfying fat bomb treat.

By incorporating a variety of these keto-friendly nut options into your diet while keeping portion sizes in mind, you can enjoy the nutritional and health benefits of nuts without compromising your keto goals.

Almonds may be the new peanut, but they’ll never replace my beloved PB&J.


Almonds boast a number of health benefits.

  • They contain healthy fats, fiber, protein, and vitamin E.
  • Plus, they have a low glycemic index, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. This also makes almonds an effective aid when it comes to weight loss, as they can increase feelings of fullness.
  • Studies demonstrate that they have anti-inflammatory properties that may benefit heart health and decrease the risk of cancer.
  • Raw almonds are better than roasted ones, as the latter may have added oils and sugars.
  • Keep in mind that one ounce or roundabout 23 almonds contains approximately 160 calories.
  • Monounsaturated fat is the main type of fat found in almonds, which is thought to be heart-healthy.
  • Therefore, those on a ketogenic diet should consider adding almonds to their meals or snacks. Almond milk and almond flour are other keto-friendly options, providing similar nutrition benefits.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts: keto-friendly and crunchy! Perfect for those on a ketogenic diet. Here’s what you should know:

  • They have the highest fat content among all commonly consumed nuts – up to 75%!
  • Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients like B1, magnesium, and manganese.
  • Studies suggest they can help improve cholesterol and lower BP.
  • Eat in moderation and won’t cause weight gain.
  • Small servings can satisfy hunger and provide satiety.

Want a tasty nut option for snacking or cooking? Macadamia nuts have unique aromas and flavors. Use them to bake, or as toppings on salads and smoothies.


Pecans boast fiber, which can make you feel full and aid digestion. Plus, they have antioxidants to protect cells and reduce risk of chronic diseases.

Magnesium is another component of pecans, a mineral that’s vital for muscle and nerve function, blood sugar regulation, and blood pressure management.

These tree nuts are low in carbs and high in healthy fats, so they’re an ideal snack for keto dieters. Eat them raw or incorporate into salads, baked goods, or savory dishes.

Remember, though, pecans are high-calorie, so enjoy them in moderation. All-in-all, they’re a delicious and nutritious part of a keto lifestyle. Before noshing on pecans, though, check with your doctor if you have nut allergies.


Walnuts are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids, vital for cardiovascular health. They also contain antioxidants such as vitamin E and polyphenols, preventing oxidative damage.

Low-carb and high-fat, walnuts contain 4 grams of protein per ounce. Vegans and vegetarians on the keto diet can benefit from these plant-based proteins.

Plus, micronutrients, such as magnesium, zinc, and manganese, aid overall health on a ketogenic diet.

Walnuts can be stored for months in air-tight containers. Enjoy their nutritive benefits by adding them to a balanced keto diet.


Hazelnuts are great for a keto diet!
They have low carbs and are high in fat. Plus, they have a lot of fiber which helps you feel full.

Vitamins E, magnesium, calcium, and potassium are in hazelnuts, aiding your body’s functions. Antioxidants in hazelnuts reduce inflammation and protect from free radicals. Furthermore, they can improve heart health by decreasing cholesterol and keeping blood pressure normal.

However, if you have a nut allergy, don’t eat hazelnuts.
Consult a doctor before starting any new diet.
Adding hazelnuts to your keto diet can give many health benefits from their rich nutrients.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts are great for the keto diet, as they are high in fat and low in carbs. Derived from the Brazil Nut tree found in South America’s Amazon rainforest regions, these nuts have many nutritional benefits.

For example, they are a great source of selenium, essential for a healthy immune system. Plus, their magnesium and polyunsaturated fatty acids help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

Fiber-rich Brazil Nuts also aid weight management by reducing hunger pangs. And, their nutrient composition is known to improve brain health and protect against age-related cognitive impairments.

Moreover, they boast a smooth, creamy flavor that pairs well with many other keto diet staples, such as dark chocolate and almond butter. You can also enjoy them as a snack, or process them into milk or flour for baking keto-friendly treats.

In conclusion, Brazil Nuts are a versatile and nutritious addition to any ketogenic meal plan.

Pine Nuts

Pine nuts are loaded with healthy fats. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats help boost heart health.

Plus, these nuts have a low carb count – perfect for a keto diet.

Protein in pine nuts keeps you full. And, these small nuts pack a punch of nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and vitamin E.

You can enjoy them raw, tossed in salads, or roasted as a crunchy snack.

However, pine nuts are pricey compared to other nuts. But, their unique flavor and versatility make them worth the money for keto dieters.

Coconut Meat

Coconut meat is Nature’s candy! It is the white, fleshy part found inside the hard brown husk of a certain fruit. It has a light nutty flavor and contains fiber, protein, essential minerals, lauric acid, and healthy fats. Plus, it’s gluten-free, low-carb, and has a low glycemic index, making it great for Keto-dieters.

This tropical delight is highly versatile; it can be used in savory dishes like curries and sweet desserts like macaroons. Beyond food consumption, its husk fibers find application in making ropes, mats, and other sustainable products. Vegans love coconut meat, as it often replaces dairy-derived alternatives.

Conclusion: Should Peanuts be Avoided on a Keto Diet?

Peanuts: popular snack…but should they be avoided on a keto diet?

High in carbs, hard to fit into macro ratio. Instead, try low-carb nuts like macadamias, pecans and Brazil nuts.

Also, antinutrients in peanuts can interfere with nutrient absorption. Plus, some people have peanut sensitivities or allergies, which can cause inflammation.

Bottom line: while peanuts seem like a convenient snack on keto, other nut alternatives have better nutritional value. Consider digestive health too, when adding peanuts to your diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can’t I eat peanuts on a keto diet?

While peanuts do contain healthy fats and protein, they are also relatively high in carbohydrates, with 100 grams of peanuts containing around 16 grams of carbs. This makes them difficult to fit into a strict ketogenic diet, which typically requires limiting carb intake to 20-50 grams per day.

Can I eat peanut butter on a keto diet?

Peanut butter is generally not recommended on a keto diet due to its high carb content. However, there are some lower-carb peanut butter options available that may be acceptable in small amounts, such as natural peanut butter made with only peanuts and salt.

What can I eat instead of peanuts on keto?

There are plenty of keto-friendly alternatives to peanuts, such as other nuts and seeds like almonds, macadamias, and chia seeds. You can also snack on low-carb vegetables like celery, cucumber, and bell peppers, or enjoy healthy fats like avocados and coconut oil.

Will eating peanuts kick me out of ketosis?

If you eat too many peanuts and exceed your carb limit for the day, it could potentially kick you out of ketosis. However, this depends on the individual and their specific carb tolerance.

How much can I eat peanuts on a keto diet?

The exact amount of peanuts you can eat on a keto diet will depend on your individual carb limit and goals. However, it’s generally recommended to limit peanut intake and choose lower-carb options instead.

Are there any health benefits of eating peanuts on keto?

Peanuts do contain healthy fats, protein, and fiber, which can provide a range of health benefits. However, if you’re following a strict ketogenic diet, it may be best to limit or avoid them due to their carb content.